Due to Covid-19 impacting consumer confidence on new home sales, associated timber framing demand was estimated to reduce by 20-50% in the second half of 2020, negatively impacting Australian timber manufacturing activity and jobs.
In an encouraging show of unity, the combined forces of our local pine timber manufacturers came together to promote the benefits of buying local during these challenging times. The purpose of the campaign was to ensure that timber fabricators and merchants understood why buying Aussie timber framing was important during this crucial time.
In a Covid-19 business environment where most businesses and people were thinking of themselves first and foremost, the challenge was to cut-through the extraordinary covid noise and make the impact of the message personal.
Working with a committee that represented the interests of each manufacturer enabled our strategy to be embedded with rich insight and strong direction.
- Channel Partners
OBSERVATION: Want reliable supply partners (supply, quality) INSIGHT: They can’t rely on imports for the majority of their needs - Builders
OBSERVATION: Want easy to work with materials (flexible, cost effective, available)
INSIGHT: Time is money - Consumers
OBSERVATION: Want products that are good for environment (renewable, low embodied energy, stores carbon, safe)
INSIGHT: They care about Australia’s future
The strategy was to encourage fabricators and channel customers to do their bit by choosing Aussie timber framing as an easy way to protect their Aussie fabrication/retail hardware business during these uncertain economic times because it provided reliability around jobs, quality, supply and pricing.
The campaign centred around the positioning line… ‘Buy Aussie Timber First, For the Sake of Everyone involved’. By showcasing the employees effected by a simple local buying choice brought a warmth and emotion to the campaign. Harder hitting messages within eDM’s focused on the ‘Real Cost of Not buying Local timber’.
The campaign commenced with video of local workers extoling the benefits of buying local timber first. A website was created to encourage the wider industry of fabricators, retailers, merchants and builders to get involved in the campaign by uploading their testimonials and photos which was supported by broader digital and print media.Campaign Video

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